Opportunities for marketers in a cookieless world

Opportunities for marketers in a cookieless world

Opportunities for marketers in a cookieless world

In early 2020, Google announced it would be phasing out the third-party cookie. This came as part of the move towards creating a more secure, private and open web for users. While this announcement sent shockwaves throughout the ad tech industry, ultimately, it is a positive decision for consumers.

We break down what led to Google’s decision to move away from third-party cookies, the significance of undertaking such a path, and what this means for marketers.

Reach out to us as we can guide you through these changes and new targeting solutions.

Why did Google decide to phase out the third-party cookie?

For a while now, users have demanded greater privacy and transparency. Users want choice and control over how their data is collected, shared and used. Other browsers such as Safari and Firefox have already changed course, and now Google is set to respond, too. This change speaks to legal concerns such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US. One thing that has really sparked user concern is the limited understanding about the value exchange of the internet. The advertising industry must communicate and educate users on the value exchange that exists between access to free, high-quality content and the collection of data.

So, what even is a cookie?

Essentially, cookies are small pieces of data that are collected as the user browses the internet, and then stored by the web browser on that user’s computer. Cookies are designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember information about users, and to record their web browsing activity. They have been heavily used in the ad tech ecosystem for targeting, personalisation, optimisation, tracking and measurement of digital campaigns. They have served their purpose for many years, but do have some limitations: they don’t work in-app, they don’t work across multiple browsers, and they can be cleared easily by the user.

While there are many different types of cookies, the ones to focus on are third-party and first-party cookies.

Imagine that a data provider had their code on a publisher domain. This is a third-party cookie, and it is what’s being deprecated. These cookies do not belong to the main domain owner loaded by third-party servers, and are accessible on any website that loads the third-party server’s code.

On the other hand, first-party cookies originate from the main domain owner opened on the web browser, and only work on that particular domain. To use the example above, imagine that a brand had code on their domain to use for retargeting purposes. This type of cookie will still be accessible as we move forward.

What is Google doing now?

There is still no firm date for the deprecation, however, Google’s proposed timeframe is by 2022. The tech giant is still working on new initiatives and solutions. One initiative is the Privacy Sandbox, which sets standards to sustain a healthy, ad-supported internet that renders third-party cookies obsolete. It is also developing initiatives such as the Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), a privacy-focused solution that delivers relevant advertising through forming large groups of anonymised people that share similar interests. User data will be processed on-device instead of being broadcast across the internet.

Last week, Google confirmed it will not be building out alternative identifiers to track users as they browse across the web.

It is important to note that things are changing daily as new solutions emerge. We will keep you updated throughout this process.

What’s the impact on marketing campaigns?

The ad tech and digital marketing industry has had an obsession with cookies. This has to change.

We have used cookies to collect groups of users, personalise ads, track user behaviour, and measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns. It may be challenging to rethink and execute the granular targeting that we are used to, but this change is a huge opportunity to rethink how we run, target and optimise campaigns.

First-party data will become more valuable than ever before so it’s important for brands to build a strategy around it. This will involve cleaning up your database, and making sure you gain consent from users for this data to be used in the first place. Walled garden, or technology with first-party data, will thrive as third-party cookies become obsolete.

As cross-site measurement may be impacted, older panel-based measurement techniques may become valuable once again. The long-term impacts on marketing campaigns and measurement are still fairly unclear, but there are several ways to stay on top of these changes.

What are we doing in advance of the deprecation of third-party cookies?

At Bench, we partner with the leading platforms in market that are set up for success in a post-cookie world. This includes:

  • DSPs and ad platforms with first-party data such as Google, Amazon and Verizon.
  • Platforms with market-leading unification projects such as The Trade Desk.
  • Vendors in market that are creating safe and secure connections without cookies such as LiveRamp.
  • Measurement providers such as Kantar that can show and prove the value of brand. For example, through brand-lift studies.
  • Targeting providers that do not rely solely on third-party cookies: Contextual (Grapeshot, IAS, DoubleVerify), location (Foursquare) and purchase data (Quantum/Mastercard).
  • Key publishers, in order to create direct connections for their media (this includes all major publishers in market), and those that have first-party data including major broadcaster platforms with an email sign-in such as SBS on Demand.
  • Third-party providers that are shifting their data collection methodologies away from cookies such as Eyeota and Lotame.
  • Channel specific executions that do not rely heavily on cookies. These channels include DOOH, BVOD, native, video (YouTube) and social.

What should brands and agencies do?

While the depreciation of the cookie presents a huge challenge to the ad tech industry and the way campaigns are run, it’s also an opportunity for change.

Talk to us about how we can address Google’s upcoming changes, and what the future may look like for your brand and your digital marketing campaigns.

Make sure to work on your first-party data strategies, clean up databases, ensure user consent when collecting data, and scale this to inform targeting media buying.

Test, learn and become comfortable with different targeting methods, and shift spend to channels that are not so dependent on cookies.

Get in touch with your Bench representative to talk through your action plan.

Reach out to discuss solutions

1520 800 Shai Luft

Shai Luft

Shai Luft brings over 25 years of diverse marketing experience to the table, with a focus on fostering growth by leveraging data led marketing strategies. His journey began with roles in senior marketing positions within leading telecommunication companies including TPG, Optus, and Telstra, where he gained valuable insights and honed his strategic thinking. In 2012, Shai co-founded Bench, a digital agency that quickly gained recognition for its quality services. Serving a broad range of clients such as Epson, Nestle, and Panasonic, Bench became known for its digital expertise and global media buying capabilities. Shai holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UNSW, with a specialisation in Marketing and International Business.

All stories by : Shai Luft
SHAI LUFT - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies

Chief Operating Officer

Shai Luft

Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies. Despite his success, Shai was frustrated by the amount of red tape and bureaucracy that held back marketing innovation. That’s why he co-founded Bench in 2012. As the driving force behind Bench’s operations, Shai is committed to empower marketers with the agility and control they need to achieve their best results.

ORI GOLD - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER An ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape.

Chief Executive Officer

Ori Gold

Meet Ori Gold, an ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape. Heading the talented and forward-thinking team at Bench, Ori is the driving force behind the company’s strategic and product vision. Thanks to Ori’s leadership, Bench has become one of the most respected and successful digital agencies in Australia.

GENERAL MANAGER LIAM GARRATT Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry.

General Manager

Liam Garratt

Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry. He got his start in 2011 working for UK-based programmatic platform Crimtan, where he played a key role in launching the company’s Australian office. In 2017, Liam brought his expertise to Bench, where he now leads the Product & Services functions. Liam is passionate about delivering only the highest quality products and services to Bench’s clients. His commitment to excellence is the foundation of Bench’s stellar reputation.

VP OF GROWTH ANTHONY FARGEOT Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia.

VP of Growth

Anthony Fargeot

Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia. As Head of Client Services and then Director of Operations, Anthony led Bench through its highest growth period. Today, as VP of Growth, Anthony uses his creative thinking and strategic insights to always look for new and innovative ways to help Bench stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing digital landscape.