How to execute a Native Advertising Campaign: Part 1

How to execute a Native Advertising Campaign: Part 1

The modern-day marketer plays a dynamic, ever-changing role, constantly adapting to new trends and emerging technologies, and applying new techniques and strategic approaches to building brand awareness within a company. Native Advertising is fast becoming one of the most valuable approaches to content marketing, with publishers and marketers alike figuring out new and effective ways to take advantage of the digital era we find ourselves in. Native advertising can be an incredibly effective marketing tool if executed correctly, so this article will provide some tips about how to use Native Advertising to create effective lead-generation campaigns.

Getting valuable viewers

Your ROI in running Native Ads will largely depend on how much value you can get from each view, and how aligned each viewer is with your product or service being advertised. Always review the publisher’s readership (what kind of people are viewing this site?) to assess whether they’re a good fit with the audience you’re trying to target. Check if the publisher offers any promotion opportunities via social media as a package deal, and then take advantage of this add-on within your own social media strategy.

But what should you be asking the publishers/vendors before launching a Native Advertising campaign? Make sure you can answer the following:

  1. What are the demographics of my target audience?
  2. Is the post going to be promoted elsewhere, like in a newsletter?
  3. What social media promotion will form part of the campaign?
  4. What other means of distribution will the Native Advertising include?

Creating Saleable Content

Creating high-value and saleable content is vital to the success of your Native Advertising campaign. Check with the publisher as to whether they will link valuable content back to your site. This is crucial if you’re too utilizing native advertising as a tool for generating leads. Now that the publisher has given you the green light for the link to your site, make sure the content itself is aligned with the goals of your sales team. The idea is to promote content that is more likely to turn into a paying customer (or at least a qualified lead).

Finally, you must decide on who will generate your content. If you choose to use your own editorial team, you inevitably retain more control over the topic, style, and brand voice of each piece. In contrast, using the publisher’s editorial team will mean less control over what’s written and how it is expressed (i.e. the tone or ‘voice’ of each piece). This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it simply means that the readers will already be familiar with the tone with which each piece is written, since it is coming from the publisher’s own team of writers. There is really no hard-and-fast rule about which methods works best. Personally, I have found leveraging the publisher’s editorial contribution to work well, although both methods have their own benefits and drawbacks.

A healthy medium might be to choose your own topics and to allow the publishers to produce the content, as the visitors to the site will already relate to the tone of writing, which could increase the level of engagement. Not to mention the fact that having the publisher produce the content will allow you to focus on putting together a successful distribution campaign of your native ads.

When all is said and done, it is the publishers who know and understand their readers best.

Establishing Rapport with Publishers

Developing a strong relationship with publisher (and the editors of the content) is crucial to a successful native advertising campaign. The goal is to ensure the editor understands your business’ values and core message so this is communicated in the ad. If the campaign doesn’t produce the expected results, having a clear line of communication and a flexible approach will help you overcome any hurdles along the way. Working closely with the publisher’s team will make it easier to recognise any weaknesses in your current approach and develop solutions to any challenges that arise.

Getting bang for your buck

Now that you know what you want to say, and to whom you’ll be saying it, revenue is the next thing to consider. To achieve the goals of your native advertising campaign, it’s important to have your metrics in mind from the outset. Both you and the vendor should have a clear and mutual understanding of what it is you’re trying to achieve and how you plan on meeting these goals.

Certainly one of the key metrics to measure the success of any native advertising campaign is the CPL, or Cost Per Lead, as it provides a benchmark upon which you can assess the value of each offer, communicate expectations for upcoming posts, and evaluate the success or failure of each piece of content. Once you’ve worked out your average CPL, you can make a more informed assessment of the value of the publisher’s offer, and whether the goals of your native advertising campaign can be met at this cost.

There are certain metrics that a publisher will be expected to account for. The metrics to keep in mind vary slightly depending on who hosts the landing page.

Publisher-hosted Landing Page

If the publisher hosts your landing page, keep an eye on the following metrics:

  • Total leads;
  • % of Marketing qualified leads (MQL);
  • CPL/Cost per MQL

Brand-hosted Landing Page

For landing pages hosted by the brand, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the average unique view count for each post?
  • What is the average click through rate (CTR) for sponsored posts?
  • What is the average social media “share” count?

When hosting a landing page internally, certain metrics may be out of the publisher’s control, in which case you’ll be expected to do your part in optimizing everything at the top of the funnel (inbound efforts like email, SEO, social media, blog posts, etc) to more effectively attract leads.

On the other hand, when it’s the publisher that is hosting the landing page, more of the responsibility, in terms of what is delivered, should fall on the publisher. Although the internal sales processes of your business are not something that the publisher can necessarily have a direct impact on, they should always be held accountable for the traffic being driven to article based on the audience attributes you have provided them.

What next?

Stay tuned for Part 2 on the secrets to running a successful native advertising campaign where we look at how to ensure effective optimization at both ends of the funnel. If you want to discuss your marketing goals with a Benchmarketing specialist, get in touch today on 1300 049 498 or flick us an email at [email protected].

1021 581 Shai Luft

Shai Luft

Shai Luft brings over 25 years of diverse marketing experience to the table, with a focus on fostering growth by leveraging data led marketing strategies. His journey began with roles in senior marketing positions within leading telecommunication companies including TPG, Optus, and Telstra, where he gained valuable insights and honed his strategic thinking. In 2012, Shai co-founded Bench, a digital agency that quickly gained recognition for its quality services. Serving a broad range of clients such as Epson, Nestle, and Panasonic, Bench became known for its digital expertise and global media buying capabilities. Shai holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UNSW, with a specialisation in Marketing and International Business.

All stories by : Shai Luft
SHAI LUFT - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies

Chief Operating Officer

Shai Luft

Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies. Despite his success, Shai was frustrated by the amount of red tape and bureaucracy that held back marketing innovation. That’s why he co-founded Bench in 2012. As the driving force behind Bench’s operations, Shai is committed to empower marketers with the agility and control they need to achieve their best results.

ORI GOLD - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER An ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape.

Chief Executive Officer

Ori Gold

Meet Ori Gold, an ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape. Heading the talented and forward-thinking team at Bench, Ori is the driving force behind the company’s strategic and product vision. Thanks to Ori’s leadership, Bench has become one of the most respected and successful digital agencies in Australia.

GENERAL MANAGER LIAM GARRATT Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry.

General Manager

Liam Garratt

Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry. He got his start in 2011 working for UK-based programmatic platform Crimtan, where he played a key role in launching the company’s Australian office. In 2017, Liam brought his expertise to Bench, where he now leads the Product & Services functions. Liam is passionate about delivering only the highest quality products and services to Bench’s clients. His commitment to excellence is the foundation of Bench’s stellar reputation.

VP OF GROWTH ANTHONY FARGEOT Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia.

VP of Growth

Anthony Fargeot

Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia. As Head of Client Services and then Director of Operations, Anthony led Bench through its highest growth period. Today, as VP of Growth, Anthony uses his creative thinking and strategic insights to always look for new and innovative ways to help Bench stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing digital landscape.