Ori Gold Talks Scientific Marketing and Media Maths

Ori Gold Talks Scientific Marketing and Media Maths

Ori Gold recently sat down with Darren Woolley, Global CEO at TrinityP3, to discuss science and marketing for TrinityP3’s ‘On the Couch’ interview series.

Ori originally trained as an IT engineer and now leads Bench, a global integrated platform for managing performance marketing. Ori’s background in science and his marketing experience allow for an interesting perspective on the industry’s current state.

Math Men vs Mad Men

Ori believes that science is to marketing is what blood is to our body. It’s ubiquitous and acts as the fuel that powers the entire system.  He sees the scientific method as being the foundational framework that should be used to manage marketing.

‘Mad Men’ and ‘Math Men’ need to collaborate in order to achieve the greater marketing good.

Forget Media Maths, Focus on Marketing Outcomes

There is an obvious scientific basis to the programmatic trading and buying of media. However, Ori sees science as being an enabler that allows for a better way of doing marketing, not the main event.

It’s about using the scientific method to quickly test hypotheses and either reject or accept them based on objective proof. Marketers don’t necessarily need to know about the underlying structure of algorithms or the complex math that powers their applications. They just need to understand how exactly all of this science empowers them to achieve more.

Ori compares this to marketers swapping their ‘media horses’ for ‘programmatic cars,’ which they now have to learn to drive. You don’t have to understand what goes on underneath the hood to be a great driver.

Algorithms Are Commodities, Strategy Is Not

Ori asserts that artificial intelligence is now cheaply available ‘on tap’ in the cloud. As a result, algorithms have become commodities that every marketer has ready access to. Your job as a marketer is to know what questions to ask, which is the key to a sustained competitive advantage.

Why Science Doesn’t Spell the Death of Creativity

Ori stresses that science and creativity can co-exist quite happily together. More than that, science – like philosophy – can be applied to different areas of life. Employing the scientific method in marketing allows you to scale your creative efforts, not stifle them.

The ‘renaissance’ periods of various European capitals act as proof of this assertion. When great scientific discoveries were being made in cultural centres such as Berlin, Paris and London, the arts flourished alongside the sciences. Science and creativity are now two sides of the same marketing token.

One (Real-Time) Breakthrough to Rule Them All

Many advancements in diverse scientific fields led to the current status quo in marketing, rather than any one single breakthrough. This is how Ori sees the evolution of marketing and he cites the advent of the internet and mobile phones as being two such examples.

However, if pressed to find a single turning point, he suggests that real-time bidding was the biggest contributor to shaping the modern marketing landscape.

The ability to get access to data in real-time, analyze it and make media bidding decisions on-the-fly incited the science-driven revolution that all marketers are current benefactors of.

Watch Video Interview

Watch the original video interview to see Ori share his views on camera.

1280 720 Shai Luft

Shai Luft

Shai Luft brings over 25 years of diverse marketing experience to the table, with a focus on fostering growth by leveraging data led marketing strategies. His journey began with roles in senior marketing positions within leading telecommunication companies including TPG, Optus, and Telstra, where he gained valuable insights and honed his strategic thinking. In 2012, Shai co-founded Bench, a digital agency that quickly gained recognition for its quality services. Serving a broad range of clients such as Epson, Nestle, and Panasonic, Bench became known for its digital expertise and global media buying capabilities. Shai holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UNSW, with a specialisation in Marketing and International Business.

All stories by : Shai Luft
SHAI LUFT - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies

Chief Operating Officer

Shai Luft

Meet Shai Luft, a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of delivering results for Australia’s largest ASX200-listed companies. Despite his success, Shai was frustrated by the amount of red tape and bureaucracy that held back marketing innovation. That’s why he co-founded Bench in 2012. As the driving force behind Bench’s operations, Shai is committed to empower marketers with the agility and control they need to achieve their best results.

ORI GOLD - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER An ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape.

Chief Executive Officer

Ori Gold

Meet Ori Gold, an ad tech and martech expert. Driven by the frustration of everyday marketers facing a lack of control and accessibility, Ori co-founded Bench in 2012 to revolutionise the digital advertising landscape. Heading the talented and forward-thinking team at Bench, Ori is the driving force behind the company’s strategic and product vision. Thanks to Ori’s leadership, Bench has become one of the most respected and successful digital agencies in Australia.

GENERAL MANAGER LIAM GARRATT Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry.

General Manager

Liam Garratt

Meet Liam Garratt, the creative mind behind Bench’s top-notch products and services. With a career in digital media spanning over a decade, Liam has made a name for himself as a leader in the industry. He got his start in 2011 working for UK-based programmatic platform Crimtan, where he played a key role in launching the company’s Australian office. In 2017, Liam brought his expertise to Bench, where he now leads the Product & Services functions. Liam is passionate about delivering only the highest quality products and services to Bench’s clients. His commitment to excellence is the foundation of Bench’s stellar reputation.

VP OF GROWTH ANTHONY FARGEOT Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia.

VP of Growth

Anthony Fargeot

Meet Anthony Fargeot, the pioneer behind Bench’s growth and success. Joining Bench in its infancy in 2013, Anthony’s experience with high-growth start-ups gave him the skills to help Bench become one of the most successful digital agencies in Australia. As Head of Client Services and then Director of Operations, Anthony led Bench through its highest growth period. Today, as VP of Growth, Anthony uses his creative thinking and strategic insights to always look for new and innovative ways to help Bench stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing digital landscape.